Acne scar removal: how does it work?

Acne scar removal: how does it work?

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Beating acne can feel incredible. You've finally, after struggling with a skin condition possibly for years, taken control of your skin. Sometimes, though, we are left with embarrassing reminders of the battle we have already fought and won. It doesn't feel like as much of a victory when you're left with dimpled scars. Constellations of these little abrasions leave our skin looking uneven and bumpy, starkly visible on our faces. 

Could acne scar removal really improve the appearance of these scars?

Acne scarring occurs after a particularly aggressive breakout or if you picked or squeezed at your spots. This inflicts trauma on skin that is already troubled, so it redoubles its efforts to heal the lesion. It does this by producing an excess of collagen and scar tissue that quickly works to heal the wound, resulting in embossed or pitted scars on the skin. This is why we always advise those that may still be battling acne to refrain from picking or squeezing their spots. Acne scars can also appear as darkened or lightened pigmented areas in the skin, creating an uneven skin tone.

How Can Aesthetic MediSpa provide acne scar removal in Essex?

 One of the treatments we use counteracts the rapid healing of the scarring itself. Microneedling using Genuine Dermaroller is an advanced procedure that combines facets of medical and aesthetic treatment to deliver exceptional results. It uses tiny needles to puncture the skin and create a series of precise and controlled wounds. These stimulate the skin to produce fresh collagen and heal gently from the inside naturally and safely. It doesn't trigger the same rapid response and scar tissue that caused your acne scarring, so it is entirely safe to use. It significantly improves the appearance of acne scarring while also creating smoother, brighter, healthier-looking skin. You may find your skin glowing as well as smoothing out as your results develop.

 Another fantastic acne scar removal treatment we're proud to provide is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. This treatment uses an FDA-approved laser to improve the texture and visibility of acne scarring. The fractional laser resurfacing creates thousands of tiny micro-punctures in the skin, similar to microneedling, that are around the same size as your pores. It doesn't ablate or attack the skin, but rather it stimulates the skin around the puncture to heal from within and around it. This creates 'new skin' that refreshes and refines the appearance of acne scarring.

 For some lighter scarring and evening out of post-acne pigmentation, a course of chemical peels might be the right treatment choice for you. Acne scarring doesn't always appear as dimpled and textured, it can also appear in discoloured skin pigmentation. These darker, or sometimes lighter, patches disrupt the skin's tone and make it appear blotchy. Chemical peels share the same philosophy of other acne scar treatments in that they create a controlled wounding, but this happens on the surface of the skin. A chemical peel doesn't puncture the skin necessarily, but rather works to exfoliate away the dead, dying, and damaged skin cells. It relevels rather than punctures. However, they still promote the fresh production of collagen, positive skin renewal, and the development of new skin below the superficial layer. They're exceptionally effective at treating hyperpigmentation, sloughing away the offending skin, and can even tackle some forms of active acne.

 Of course, all of our treatments are administered by trained aesthetic professionals. We offer consultations for all of our acne scar removal treatments, so you can find out exactly what is best for your skin. Professional and medical skincare products are also available from us to help promote the continued development of your results at home.

Begin your acne scar removal today 

There is a perception of scarring that it stays with you for life, but with The Aesthetic MediSpa, based in both Essex & Rickmansworth, this doesn't have to be true. Enquire online today.