Ask the Experts - Getting the Most out of your Treatments

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When you're investing in yourself, whether your face or body, you want to know you're getting the most for your money. So this time, our experts explain how to get the most out of your aesthetic treatments

My friend had Botox but she still has deep wrinkles - does that mean Botox doesn't work or isn't worth it?

One of the most important things when planning any aesthetic treatment is making sure it is the right treatment for you - that's why you have a consultation before any treatments - to talk through your options, what you want to achieve, and how we can best achieve that. There are some types of wrinkles where Botox isn't the right answer - very deep wrinkles in particular. Whenever you think about a new treatment, have a consultation with a qualified practitioner first. We might have advised your friend to opt for fillers for the deeper wrinkles instead because although Botox does work, that's why it's such a popular treatment, it can't do everything. 

Another thing to look out for is the skill and reputation of the person you go to. Cheap Botox has often been diluted, making it less effective, and injecting into the wrong areas means it won't work right either. Choose a doctor, rather than a "beautician", and check their credentials

I know Botox works, but is there any way to make it last longer?

This is a very common question, Botox tends to wear off after 3-6 months and plenty of people wish they could prolong the effects. The very first thing you should do is avoid sun exposure on the day of your treatment. Sun exposure boosts blood circulation, which might cause Botox to disperse faster than it should. The same goes for exercise - also something to avoid right after your treatment. 

There has been a study that showed taking a special type of Zinc supplement for a week before treatment resulted in longer-lasting results from Botox. The study only tested 44 patients (41 of them showed an improvement) and used a specialist supplement, so we can't say for sure that it's going to work, but many people now take Zinc for at least 4 days before a Botox treatment. 

I want to have Laser Hair Removal but I want to make sure I'm spending my money wisely. Is there a way to boost the effects?

Laser Hair Removal is a fantastic way to rid your body of unwanted hair. We use the Soprano XL system, which is incredibly effective. If you want to make sure you get the best possible results, you should never wax, pluck, or epilate your hair while having a course of treatment. This is because the laser targets the hair follicle, and those hair removal methods pull the hair out from the follicle itself, leaving nothing for the laser to work on. 

You should also be aware that Laser Hair Removal always requires more than one treatment - that's not because it's not effective, but because of the way our hair grows. Not all hairs are in an active growing phase at any one time, so a course of treatments will pick up those hairs that were dormant during a previous session. So, for the best results, stick with it for the entire course! 

Get in touch

If you are interested in our Botox treatment, get in touch today! Our team at our Essex and Rickmansworth clinics will be delighted to book a free consultation!