Common Excessive Sweating Misconceptions

Common Excessive Sweating Misconceptions

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 As a skin doctor who offers treatment for excessive sweating (find more about it here), we wanted to set the record straight about the swirling misconceptions that surround this condition. Read on to find out more… 

1. It’s not very common

Although it’s not often talked about, hyperhidrosis is surprisingly common, with an estimated 365 million people living with the condition globally. That’s around 5% of the world’s population! Sadly, that also means that those who have hyperhidrosis no doubt live with the crippling, embarrassing effects of the condition, too.

2. Excessive sweating is caused by being unclean

This is a bit like saying those who have acne don’t wash properly. Cleanliness isn’t linked to hyperhidrosis at all – in fact, in most cases, a cause can’t be identified. What we do know is that there are many factors that could play a part, such as genetics and medication.

3. Hyperhidrosis is different to the menopause

The menopause – which has symptoms such as night sweats and hot flushes – may seem worlds apart from excessive sweating, but one of the types of hyperhidrosis, secondary hyperhidrosis, can be caused by it. 

4. There’s no way to treat the condition

This is utterly false – botox injections have been proven to be highly effective at reducing sweat production and helping manage the condition for up to 4 months. In fact, as a skin doctor, it’s a treatment we’re proud to offer.


5. Hyperhidrosis gets better on its own

While this can and does happen, there’s no guarantee this will be the case for you – and in the meantime, you’ll have to live with the debilitating effects of the condition. Because hyperhidrosis can be so difficult to live with, we recommend seeking treatment as early as possible to help build back your confidence and self-esteem and keep the condition under control.

6. Excessive sweating is caused by stress

Though stress can make you sweat more, it’s not linked to hyperhidrosis. The charity, Hyperhidrosis UK, reports that we don’t know what causes primary hyperhidrosis, and the other type, secondary hyperhidrosis, is triggered by illness or medication.

7. Hyperhidrosis gets worse at night

Surprisingly, those with the condition don’t sweat at night – which can be helpful in diagnosing it. 


Seeking treatment?

Get in touch via a quick visit to our contact page here, and our team of skin doctors will book you into our Essex or Rickmansworth clinic soon!