CoolSculpting - The Cool New You

CoolSculpting - The Cool New You

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Summer is a time that strikes fear into the hearts of many, for the dreaded “bikini season” is upon us. How much better would it be not to fear the bikini, though? To walk the beach or poolside full of confidence, with maybe a little shimmy in your step?

Well, true beauty comes from within, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept what’s on the outside without making a few improvements, does it?!

Ice Cold Contouring

This season’s coolest treatment, if you’ll excuse the pun, is the revolutionary CoolSculpting procedure. So if you want to shed a few inches, tone up love handles or tummy bulges, and rock that bikini with confidence, this is the way to do it.

Traditionally, if you wanted to shift stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction was your only option. But if you’ve ever seen it performed, you’ll know why it’s one of those treatments where you most definitely need a general anaesthetic – it looks fairly brutal.

Now, though, you can target fat deposits in a much less invasive and aggressive way, making CoolSculpting the new kid on the fat loss block.

Fat Loss or Weight Loss?

Of course, diet and exercise are the way to lose weight – that’s been true forever. So what is CoolSculpting if not a weight option?

It’s a fat reduction technique – which doesn’t sound that different until you delve deeper into the science of it. You see, when you lose weight, your fat cells shrink. You still have the same number of fat cells; they just get smaller (or larger, when you put weight on).

With a fat reduction treatment like CoolSculpting, you benefit from:

- Fewer fat cells - The treatment targets and eliminates those cells, so that your body passes them out in your waste, removing the fat entirely. 

- Targets areas where your body stubbornly clings on to fat, rather than hoping weight loss will eventually reach those difficult areas.

- It also means that if you do gain weight, it won’t cling to those areas, because there aren’t as many fat cells there. Even better, there’s no change in fat cell distribution in untreated areas – so your fat cells aren’t going to migrate (which can happen with other treatments).

It Works, too

The science behind CoolSculpting means that you won’t see immediate effects – the process freezes the fat cells and they’re slowly eliminated. Usually, people see some results within a few weeks, with the most dramatic difference becoming visible after 3-6 months.

“The before and after images speak for themselves - I’m so happy I had it done!”

Emma Hills tried CoolSculpting to target the areas of fat that had accumulated after having 3 children. Nothing else she’d tried would get her body back to the shape she’d had before, so after reading about the treatment in a magazine, she decided to find out more.

After learning about how it all worked and undergoing a full and professional consultation to check that the treatment was right for her, Emma decided to go ahead.

“I began to see results in a few weeks, and by 2-3 months I could really notice the difference in my clothes”

After Effects

Unlike a surgical procedure like liposuction, CoolScultping doesn’t lay you up for weeks the recovery time is minimal because it’s completely non-invasive. You might feel a bit tender afterwards, so maybe don’t head straight back to work after your treatment, but there’s no need to hide away either.

If you’d like to know more about CoolSculpting, and how it can help you get the body you want, get in touch with us today.

Aesthetic MediSpa is proud of our pioneering treatments, and we’re always happy to talk to you about what we can offer, which is why we offer completely FREE consultations to make sure you get exactly what is right for you.

Give us a call, visit the CoolSculpting information page, or fill in a contact form so one of our team can get in touch.