Do Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Work?

Do Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Work?

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We all love to look our best during summer time, and the months leading up to the warmer seasons is where the hard work takes place. We make a special effort to have a more disciplined exercise regime and eat well, but what about our skincare? The secret behind your youthful, golden glow could be Anti-Wrinkle Injections, provided by Aesthetic Medispa. Here at Aesthetic Medispa, we offer anti-wrinkle treatment that will give you a fresh, rejuvenated appearance without the loss of expression.

Our treatments are doctor-led and administered with the highest quality of products, so you can trust that you are in the best facility to achieve that radiant and glowing summer look that we all aspire to have. Aesthetic Medispa can help you return to being the most confident version of yourself, just in time for those gorgeous sun-soaked days and beach trips with friends and loved ones.

How Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

As muscles contract overtime, wrinkles become more prominent. When you’re young, you have high collagen levels and skin that has enough elasticity to return to normal after muscle contractions. It becomes more of a problem as we get older in the natural process of aging. Our collagen levels decrease, skin becomes less supple and muscle contractions begin to leave a mark. This is not something to be ashamed of; muscle contractions can be from smiling, laughing and living life to the fullest. However, if you feel that these wrinkles are affecting your confidence, mood or self-assurance, you may like to consider Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

Aesthetic Medispa’s Anti-Wrinkle Treatments relax the muscles in the face, which works to prevent them from contracting; thus, blocking lines from forming. At Aesthetic Medispa, our calculated small doses are carefully injected under the skin with an ultra-fine needle. Our attentive experts take the upmost care with your treatment, to give you the most youthful look possible whilst still being able to express yourself.

How Soon Can I Expect To See Results?

Our clients see outstanding results from their procedure within three - four days post-treatment. The after-effects of the Anti-Wrinkle Injection develop in the first week, and clients can expect to see the full benefits of the treatment even up to 10-12 days later! At Aesthetic Medispa, we tailor each procedure to suit your own unique needs, so you can always guarantee natural yet radiant results. If you recognise the effects of the treatment becoming less noticeable over time, we offer a top up treatment, so you don’t have to sacrifice your confidence.

A large portion of our clients are returning customers, who have been overwhelmed with the exceptional service and stunning results. If you think the procedure could suit you but still have some queries about how Aesthetic Medispa could help your specific problem areas, do not hesitate to contact us.