Get better skin in 2018 with our Essex skin clinic

Get better skin in 2018 with our Essex skin clinic

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Are you looking to improve the appearance of your skin in 2018, but you’re not sure which treatment might suit you best? You might benefit from a session at our Essex-based skin clinic in Rickmansworth.

We welcome all new clients to book a consultation with us here to find out exactly what sort of skin improvements we offer. However, to make the best decision, It might be beneficial to you to know what questions you should be asking. Here are just a few of the questions we get asked regularly, which we have tried to provide a general answer to as best we can.

How can I get rid of age spots?

Age spots are the result of prolonged exposure to the sun and the method we use to reduce this pigmentation is derma roller treatment, (which is a form of micro-needling) or laser treatment.

Is there a cure for adult acne?

Acne occurs for a variety of reasons. In some cases, it is down to poor diet, in others it may be caused by a surge of hormones. Hereditary factors must also be considered. To prescribe the best treatment solution for you, our Essex practitioner would have to meet you in person to assess your skin. There may be a skincare product that we can prescribe for you to use at home, or it may be necessary to recommend an in-house treatment, administered by one of our expert practitioners.

Can microneedling remove acne scarring and what does the treatment involve?

We use the derma roller device to perform our micro-needling treatments. It involves hundreds of micro punctures being applied to a target skin area, to trick the body into thinking it has been wounded and needs to be repaired. Fresh skin tissue is created to replace the skin that is perceived to be damaged. Your acne scars form part of the outer layer of your skin; the layer that can be replaced with new skin cells via derma roller treatment.

What can be done to help rosacea?

The best way to soothe rosacea-flamed skin is to understand your triggers better. During a consultation with our practitioners, we will discuss what causes your skin to flare up as well as how to get rid of some of the more permanent side effects.

How do you remove thread veins?

We offer two different methods of removing thread veins. Sclerotherapy involves a liquid agent being administered to your skin using a needle. It makes your unsightly veins collapse and fades.

Laser treatment works because light energy is absorbed by your blood. This action destroys the prominent blood vessels, which are then reabsorbed into your body. For advice on which thread vein treatment is going to best suit you, we advise you to speak to a practitioner here at our Rickmansworth skin clinic about your cases.

Contact Us

Please give us a ring to book an appointment with us and find out just how much more attractive your skin could look in 2018. We’ll be able to find an appointment at our skin clinic based in Essex, at a time that’s convenient for you.