How laser hair removal works

How laser hair removal works

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Laser hair removal sounds a bit, well, scary right? Lasers are a thing of the future, after all, and this suggests pain and stinging and heat! Lasers may be a thing of the future, but painful laser hair removal in Essex is a thing of the past thanks to the Soprano XL system we use here at Aesthetic MediSpa! Here’s how our superior laser hair removal technology works…


How laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal works by delivering a concentrated beam of laser light onto the skin and hairs in the treatment area. This light energy is absorbed by the hair and breaks up the pigment, beginning the breakdown process of the hair itself. This energy travels to the root of the hair to inhibit its ability to grow back another hair. Repeat treatments result in the permanent reduction of hair growth in the treated area, leaving you with smoother and more hair-free skin!


That sounds like it hurts…

Laser hair removal’s old technology had the potential to sting and be very uncomfortable during treatment. However, for our client's comfort, we have invested in the Soprano XL system that delivers virtually pain-free laser hair removal! Some patients have referred to the sensation as being similar to a hot stone massage, which insinuates it could even be relaxing… The Soprano XL uses advanced cooling technology to keep your skin’s discomfort to a minimum while it still delivers powerful and effective light energy.


How many treatments will I need?

Typically, a course of 6-8 treatments is recommended to procure the most effective and long-lasting results. This ensures that we can treat the whole target area attentively. However, the amount of treatments you’ll need does also depend on your hair type, as some are more receptive to laser light than others. Hair density, colour, skin type, the area treated, and your personal hair growth will affect your treatment journey duration, but we can discuss our predictions at your initial patch test.


Why do you need these repeat treatments?

Laser hair removal, even the most advanced models like our Soprano XL, are only able to target actively growing hairs. At any one time, 20% of your hairs are in the dormant stage, meaning they are not currently growing and are not receptive to treatment. Repeated treatments mean we get the best chance of targeting all of your hairs while they pass through this receptive cycle at different times. We’ll ask you to shave your treatment area a few days before treatment to ensure that as many follicles as possible are in their actively growing phase. This has been seen as another benefit of laser hair removal – you don’t need to ‘save up’ your hair as you would need to for wax or close shave, you can still shave the area until your treatment. Waxing, unfortunately, cannot be done before laser hair removal as it removes the follicles from your skin and therefore, they’re not present to be treated.


Book Now

Laser hair removal is incredibly liberating for men and women alike. If you’ve previously been put off by the fact that it is painful, you have light hair or dark skin, or because you’re worried about your sensitive areas, then you will be pleasantly surprised by our laser hair removal in Essex and Rickmansworth. Enquire online to book your consultation and patch test today.