Is Fat Freezing (or Cryolipolysis) Actually Safe?

Is Fat Freezing (or Cryolipolysis) Actually Safe?

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A recent news article about a woman being scarred by her cryolipolysis treatment has led to calls for the industry to be better regulated. We’ve had a few people ask us about the injuries suffered by this poor woman, so we wanted to respond to some of the concerns that have been raised.

What is cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is the scientific name for the fat-freezing treatments that are becoming increasingly popular across the UK. There are a number of different cryolipolysis methods, and it is important to note that only one of them is FDA-approved and has a 100% safety record.

Is it dangerous?

When conducted by a trained professional using the appropriate equipment, no, cryolipolysis is not dangerous. At Aesthetic MediSpa we only use the CoolSculpting method, which is the FDA-approved, safe version.

Unfortunately, with any effective aesthetic treatment, knock-off products and equipment start to be produced to cash in on the popularity of the treatment. These cheap, imported devices do not have a proven safety record and have certainly not been approved for use by any regulatory body.

Is it a medical procedure?

Technically, cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure. However we would advise anyone considering this (or any other aesthetic treatment) to visit a doctor-led clinic. While there are beauty salons offering fat-freezing services, you never know what level of training they have. In a doctor-led clinic, you can be assured that you’re in good, qualified hands.

As we have seen from the recent news story, a non-medical treatment can have medical-grade consequences when improperly applied.

How did the injury happen?

It’s difficult to say for certain because we obviously don’t have the full story. But from the woman’s reports, it seems that the entire procedure was not conducted appropriately. No medical history was taken, and no consent form was signed. This is a big red flag that things are not as they should be. We would always say that, for any kind of treatment, you should seek out a reputable clinic.

How can I make sure a clinic is reputable?

A reputable clinic will take a medical history, talk you through the procedure, give you the opportunity to ask questions and provide information about what you should do after your treatment.

They will be willing to tell you about their insurance, give details about the devices, products and supplies they use, and talk about their experience and qualifications.

For cryolipolysis treatments, we’d advise only visiting a clinic that use the approved, safe CoolSculpting device, and not a cheaper version. If they don’t want to tell you the brand of the device, walk away and find somewhere else. It might be more expensive, but your health should always come first.

Should the industry be regulated?

Aesthetic MediSpa supports regulation for the aesthetics industry. We work extremely hard to provide safe and effective treatments, and our team is highly-trained. Dr Gammell, our Founder, is a leading Cosmetic Doctor and former President of The British College of Aesthetic Medicine, with over 15 years' of experience in the world of Cosmetic Medicine.

We believe that, when you put your body in our hands, you deserve the best possible care. Sadly not every clinic or salon feels the same way, which is why regulation would be better for consumers and the safety of the industry as a whole.

What should I do if I have more questions?

You’re always welcome to get in touch with us. Our job is to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about any treatment you might be considering.