Everything you Need to Know About Men’s Fillers in Essex

Everything you Need to Know About Men’s Fillers in Essex

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A lot of media time is given to showing women just how rejuvenated they could look, when they have dermal filler treatment. Advice is given on the areas of a woman’s face that can be enhanced and refreshed using fillers, what will be expected of the female client when she enters the treatment room and additionally, there are images all over the Internet showing the benefits of fillers on a female face. What about men?

You’ve probably read that more men are seeking out cosmetic treatment and perhaps you’ve even noticed some of your male friends looking less tired and more refreshed. We thought it was time we redress that media balance and gave you a clue as to what to expect if you, as a man, are looking for some men’s fillers. Here’s the lowdown from our Rickmansworth practitioners.

How do men’s fillers work?

The same filler ingredients are used on both men and women to achieve the same goal. Dermal fillers are used to plump up skin that has lost volume through the ageing process. Fillers consist of hyaluronic gels that soak up water under the skin to add pressure and plump up from underneath. Commonly used to get rid of dark circles in the tear troughs and reduce fine lines on the lower face, such as marionette lines and nasolabial lines, fillers will cushion the skin in collagen-weak areas giving you a more even skin contour!

They can be used to firm up your jawline and give you more definition in the chin and jaw area. They can be used to reduce worry lines on the forehead, or frown lines between the eyebrows. If the tip of your nose has begun to droop a little, men’s fillers can reshape that nose tip.

About the treatment itself

Your dermal fillers will be administered by a highly qualified and experienced practitioner from our clinic in Rickmansworth, who deals with male clients on at least a weekly basis. After an initial consultation to assess the areas of your face upon which you’d like to receive attention – this will ensure you achieve an effective and natural-looking rejuvenation, your treatment will be booked in. The fillers will be administered via ultra-thin needles under the skin and the whole process shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes. A local anaesthetic will be used beforehand to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

You should notice results almost straight away, and with it, an almost immediate rejuvenation. There may be some bruising or redness, but that should settle quickly. Your new look should last for up to 6 months. Are you ready to find out more about men’s fillers from our clinic in Essex? Please get in touch to book an appointment.

Get in Touch 

Get in touch today with our team at our Essex or Rickmansworth clinics today to get started with Men's fillers today!