Showcasing Our Vampire Facial

Showcasing Our Vampire Facial

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You’ve no doubt heard about the vampire facial – a revolutionary way to help restore a youthful glow to your skin – and it’s something we offer here at our Essex skin clinic. But what is it, how does it work and what can you expect from this treatment? We reveal all in our new blog post. 

What is a vampire facial?

A vampire facial – also known as PRP treatment – involves taking a small quantity of blood, then re-injecting the plasma part back into targeted areas of the face. It may sound unusual, but it’s using a natural element of your own body (in this case, the blood) to help with anti-ageing.

What’s involved?

The plasma in your blood is rich in proteins, enzymes, antibodies and other components. When a blood sample is taken, you may have noticed that the liquid separates over time – the plasma is the yellowy-coloured, thicker-looking part. It’s been recognised as being hugely valuable by the medical community, as it’s been linked to treating chronic disorders such as immunodeficiency. It’s also key for healing, as not only does it help with clotting, but it can also help fight diseases and aid cell growth.

For PRP treatment also known as vampire facial treatment, blood is first taken, then the plasma is separated in a special, spinning machine. Then it’s a case of treating your desired areas.

What it does

The vampire facial can help with skin renewal as plasma aids cell turnover and cell growth. It’s like having a more intensive facial – and aside from some expected redness and tenderness, it’s low-risk because it uses your own cells. Glowy, dewy skin is just one anticipated result, as you could also experience firmer skin, since the needle pricks can promote collagen production.

What it feels like

A numbing agent is used on your face prior to your vampire facial, to help you feel as relaxed as possible. However, you may feel the pricking sensation of the needle. Most people don’t experience pain but skin can feel sore for a time afterwards.

What other skin treatments are there?

There are lots of treatments that can give you glowier skin – such as skin peels – and of course, if you want a smooth complexion, dermal fillers can give you that plump, moisturised appearance. The best option is to book a consultation, to see which treatments could work for you. 

Book now

We’d love to start you on your journey to better skin. Contact us today to book in for your PRP facial treatment here at our Essex or Rickmansworth skin clinic, and we’ll take care of the rest!