Spotlight on... Lips

Spotlight on... Lips

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This month we’re highlighting Lips - one of the most sensual features of the face. Very few of us can compete with Scarlett Johansson or Angelina Jolie in the pouting stakes, but if your lips aren’t giving you something to smile about, then there are options!

Volume and Definition

If your lips are thinner than you’d like - whether that’s due to age or genetics - you don’t have to leave them as they are. Dermal Fillers can be used to plump up thin lips, restoring lost volume or enhancing what you already have.

Of course, not everyone has a face that can carry the full-on Jolie lip, and no one wants the dreaded “trout pout” that we’ve seen modelled by some unfortunate celebrities over the years. So the best advice we can give you is don’t go overboard, and go to a reputable practitioner - we’re only interested in making you look your best.

Lose the Lines

Lips aren’t immune from the signs of ageing any more than the rest of our faces, and those little lines that form around the perimeter of the lips can be particularly irritating. They may not be the most visible of lines. but they definitely highlight age.

The lines that form between the nose and the corners of the lips - nasolabial lines - also get more pronounced as we age.

Luckily there are ways to reduce and minimise both types of lines…

Fillers provide an underlying structure to the face, to smooth out the lines in the skin. Botox helps prevent wrinkles around the mouth from deepening with every muscle movement. And Thread lifts work wonders.

Thread lifts?

You may have seen thread lifts referred to as “non-surgical facelifts”, as a great technique for tightening and rejuvenating the skin. But you don’t have to have a full face procedure to get amazing results - threads work extremely well on stubborn upper lip lines.