Spotlight on... Samantha

Spotlight on... Samantha

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This month we have an exclusive interview with Dr. Samantha Gammell, a renowned Aesthetic Doctor and the Medical Director at Aesthetic MediSpa. Dr Gammell has two award-winning clinics, regularly trains other professionals, and speaks at national and international conferences. Not to mention her TV and magazine appearances, and the fact that she’s the Editor of our magazine here...

What made you go into Aesthetic Medicine?

I trained in Surgery however during my training I realised that trends were changing and more people were looking for less invasive procedures with fewer risks and a more natural look. Most people nowadays lead such busy lives that they want quick, simple treatments with beautiful results to boost their confidence.

You’re a member of a lot of different industry bodies – do you think keeping up with industry memberships is important?

Absolutely. You need to be ahead of the game constantly regarding technology, technique and legislation, this is a relatively new industry and it is constantly evolving; so surrounding yourself with other industry leaders is vital.

Why did you decide to open your own MediSpas?

We wanted to expand our clinic activities and provide patients with a “one-stop” place for all their treatments….from pampering to medical. There are varying degrees of aesthetics and we wanted to be able to provide patients with everything under one roof.

What is it about the MediSpa format that you like most?

It gives an opportunity to create a relaxed atmosphere within a clinical environment, which clients will be far more comfortable in.

Do you have a favourite treatment?

I really enjoy doing filler treatments as I can sculpt and enhance someone’s facial features instantly in a matter of minutes. Results can range from subtle improvement to a dramatic change but our emphasis is always to create natural looking results.

Do you get many nervous patients? How do you reassure them?

Most people are nervous during their first visit however understanding what is making them nervous is key to making patient feel more relaxed. Typically patients are concerned that a treatment is going to be painful or they are nervous about the results so I make sure that we do treatments slowly and delicately and sometimes in stages. After the treatment most patients comment that if they knew it was going to be that simple, they would have done it years ago.

What’s your daily beauty ritual?

I use our ZO range ‘the fundamental five’ morning and night. It’s very important to keep your skin cleansed and hydrated with medically proven products.

If you could give us one piece of advice, what would it be?

Aesthetic treatments are medical treatments, so it is essential that before any treatment you have a full consultation with a medical professional who is registered with the Care Quality Commission. Anyone can push a plunger on a syringe but results come from an artistic skill, understanding the ageing process, and having in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology medical. This only comes from years of training and experience. I see many patients with problems following procedures done by unskilled practitioners (often on the cheap at salons/boutiques) who do not have the facilities of a medical clinic.