Top Tips for Getting the Best Results from your Botox

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Top Tips for Getting the Best Results from your Botox

Whenever you have an anti-wrinkle treatment, you'll want to get the best possible results - that's the point, after all. Follow our top tips to help you get the best look.

1. A reputable clinic is the first step - don't go to a Botox party or a barely-trained "technician". Botox is a prescription-only substance, which means you should always go to a doctor or trained medical professional for your treatments. When you go to someone who is properly trained, you not get a safer, better service. Here at Aesthetic MediSpa, our anti-wrinkle treatments and other injectables are all done by Dr. Samantha Gammell - not only is she a doctor, she was President of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine, she's surgically trained, and she has over 15 years' experience in Aesthetics.

2 and 3. You should always follow the pre- and post-treatment advice your practitioner gives you. There are good reasons for all the guidelines - things like alcohol and aspirin thin the blood, making it more likely that you could bruise or experience some bleeding at the injection sites. After your treatment, if you keep touching your face, you could push the Botox to move into somewhere you don't want it. 

4. There is some evidence that having a zinc deficiency can reduce the effectiveness of Botox, and so taking zinc supplements for about a week before your treatment may improve the results, or make them last longer. This is still being researched, but it can't hurt to give it a go. 

5. We all know that smoking is bad, for many reasons. And it's particularly bad for the skin, leaving it dull, dry, and contributing to wrinkle formation. But nicotine has been found to possibly break down anti wrinkle injections faster than usual. So skip the cigarettes, vapourisers, or e-cigs, to give your Botox the best chance.