Top Tips - Stop These 5 Habits to Protect your Skin

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None of us wants to think that we're causing skin problems, but there are some habits that many of us have that do contribute to unhappy skin. If you do any of these 5 things, now's the time to stop. 


 1. Shower duration and temperature 

Long hot showers strip the protective oils from your skin, letting it dry out. Even when you have oily skin, this isn't a good thing, as it will only encourage your skin to produce more oil to compensate. Try to stick to warm rather than hot water, and don't stay in too long (indulging now and again is fine, though!)

2. Showering after exercise 

If you ever skip the showers at the gym and decide to head home to your shower instead, it might be time to think again - especially if you used the pool. Chlorine isn't something you want hanging around on your skin for long. Aside from the smell, it can react with your deodorant/antiperspirant, lotion, moisturiser, and makeup. Rinse off properly, every time.

3. Hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial for health - not only your skin but your overall health. That's why drinking plenty of water is always on beauty tip lists. 

4. Makeup off before bed 

 Even when you're incredibly tired, take the time to remove your makeup before bed. Your skin will thank you. Leaving makeup allows bacteria to breed, causing spots, it stops your skin from being able to breathe, and it prevents dead skin cells from being able to naturally fall - all of which clogs your pores, dries out your skin, and leaves you with a dull complexion. 

5. Stress

We all know that stress is bad for us - it can raise blood pressure, cause headaches, make your heart work harder, stress your liver, and upset your digestive system. And if constant stress and headaches are causing you to frown, you may find some deeper wrinkles than you were expecting to start to appear - not what you want. If you're going through a period of stress, take some time for yourself, even if it's just 5 minutes to meditate, to reduce the impact.

Get in touch 

Consultations are free at our Essex and Rickmansworth aesthetic clinic! Get in touch today!