What does Dermamelan treatment for melasma involve?

What does Dermamelan treatment for melasma involve?

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Dermamelan cream is a great solution to melasma and chloasma problems. Melasma is what occurs when your complexion incorporates dark pigments into a fairer skin tone and chloasma is the same issue, but just with a lighter pigment. These skin complaints are the result of overactive melanin production, which may be due to your genetics, a swing in your hormones, or prolonged exposure to the sun.

Whatever the reason for your melasma or chloasma, Dermamelan cream may well be able to help. If you think your skin tone can be improved by reducing hyperpigmented elements of your complexion, why not book a consultation with us here at the Aesthetics Medispa clinic in Rickmansworth in Essex to speak to our doctor about how you could look following treatment? In the meantime, let us provide you with an overview of the Dermamelan procedure we provide.

The Dermamelan process step-by-step

1- When you get to the appointment stage, you’ll already have had a consultation with our experienced practitioner and know exactly what’s going to happen. Any questions you had will have been answered, so you should be fully at ease and informed about the various stages of the procedure. You’ll also have already filled in the paperwork about your medical history and consent form. Should there have been any additional treatment options available to you, they will have been explained.

2- Your practitioner will lead you into our modern, comfortable treatment rooms, where you’ll have the Dermamelan cream mask applied. As you’ll be wearing the mask for 8 to 12 hours, we advise you to book a morning appointment and have made arrangements for somebody to drive you home, as you might get some funny looks on public transport. You also don’t want anybody else accidentally touching the cream.

3- With the mask on and after you’ve had a rest whilst wearing it, you will be advised about the post-treatment action you need to take such as how and when to remove the cream, as well as when and how often to moisturise before your review appointment.

4- We’ll advise you of the results you’re likely to see beforehand and when you’re likely to see them, which will probably be 2 to 3 weeks later. To transform your skin and life, please get in touch with our team here in Rickmansworth and in Essex to book an appointment to receive the safe and effective Dermamelan cream mask.

Contact Us

If you're interested in receiving the Dermamelan procedure or have more unanswered questions, please get in contact with our clinic in Rickmansworth and we'll take it from there.