Why Dermal Fillers Are The Best Treatment To Remove Crow’s Feet

Why Dermal Fillers Are The Best Treatment To Remove Crow’s Feet

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If you have noticed your skin becoming less youthful, firm and smooth over time, don't despair. At Aesthetic Medispa, we offer an effective anti-wrinkle treatment to rejuvenate your appearance, leaving you with a younger-looking, more contoured result.

What Are Crow’s Feet?

Crow’s Feet are the cluster of lines that appear to the side of the eyes as we grow older. The skin in this area experiences a lot of movement; when we screw up our eyes to protect them from the glare of the sun, when we laugh and when we frown. In fact, given that our eyes are so expressive, just about any expression we make causes a contraction of the muscles in this area.

When our skin begins to lose its youthful elasticity, and collagen levels drop in our late 20s, wrinkles at the side of our eyes become visible. Instead of snapping back into shape, your skin, in collagen-weak areas, will retain the lines that are made during expressions, even when your face is neutrally still.

The most popular solution to smooth over Crow’s Feet wrinkles is Dermal Fillers. Dermal fillers are gels containing hyaluronic acid, which when injected under the skin, soak up water and create a cushioning effect, effectively pushing the fine lines out of your skin. Following your Dermal Filler treatment, you should find that your Crow’s Feet are far less visible, your skin smoother in this area and that because of this, your whole face looks younger.

Contact Us

To find out more about removing your Crow’s Feet at our Essex & Rickmansworth practice, please get in touch with one of our highly experienced, friendly and attentive team, who will be happy to book you in for your consultation to determine how Dermal Fillers could eliminate your Crow’s Feet.